Math Soft cells: Rounded tile shapes echo those found in nature Tiles that fill two- and three-dimensional spaces with no gaps—including triangles, squares, hexagons, cubes, and... Mathematical modeling explores the statistical mysteries of successfully scheduling a meeting In a world where organizing a simple meeting can feel like herding cats, new research... Mathematicians model a puzzling breakdown in cooperative behavior Darwin was puzzled by cooperation in nature—it ran directly against natural selection and the notion... Different mathematical solving methods can affect how information is memorized The way we memorize information—a mathematical problem statement, for example—reveals the way we process it.... Framework for solving parabolic partial differential equations could guide computer graphics and geometry processing Computer graphics and geometry processing research provide the tools needed to simulate physical phenomena like... Mathematicians debunk GPS assumptions to offer improvements The summer holidays are ending, which for many concludes with a long drive home and... Generalized splitting-ring number theoretic transform Number theoretic transform (NTT) is widely recognized as the most efficient method for computing polynomial... Cold math, hot topic: Applied theory offers new insights into sea ice thermal conductivity A new applied mathematical theory could enhance our understanding of how sea ice affects global... Mathematicians unlock the secrets of ouzo's cloudy transformation Mathematicians at Loughborough University have turned their attention to a fascinating observation that has intrigued... New research analyzes 'Finnegans Wake' for novel spacing between punctuation marks Statistical analysis of classic literature has shown that the way punctuation breaks up text obeys... Study uses topological data analysis to identify voting deserts In past years, elections in the U.S. have been marked by stories of long waiting... Those with the biggest biases choose first, according to new math study In just a few months, voters across America will head to the polls to decide... Real equity in math education is about more than good grades and test scores Math education outcomes in the United States have been unequal for decades. Learners in the... Mathematical method for spectral density estimation set to unlock ocean mysteries Researchers at The University of Western Australia's ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub for Transforming Energy... Losing count: The mathematical magic of counting curves How can you figure out which points lie on a certain curve? And how many... Older posts