Education Study shows that 11- to 12-year-olds use smartphones mainly to talk to family and friends The moment a child gets his/her first mobile phone as a gift is a source... Is university worth it? Yes, for both students and society As we enter the holiday season, many young people are no doubt beginning to consider... Walking into stress in 2025? Take steps now to prepare Five years ago, I began a research project into emotional labor, compassion fatigue and burnout... AI is a game changer for students with disabilities. Schools are still learning to harness it For Makenzie Gilkison, spelling is such a struggle that a word like rhinoceros might come... 'Glass fences' hinder Japanese female faculty in international research, study finds Glass ceilings comprising gender norms and practices can prevent women from advancing in organizational hierarchies,... Potential-based goals may hold key to struggling college students' academic success A quantitative economist at Maastricht University in the Netherlands has attempted to test what he... How to prepare for your bilingual baby Expecting a baby, especially a first baby, is a lot for any new parent. There... Get outside: How schools can incorporate outdoor time Despite clear benefits to children's physical and mental health, focus, academic success, and encouraging sustainability... Transforming education with virtual reality and artificial intelligence Dr. Donggil Song, an associate professor in the Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution,... Professor challenges tokenizing women of color in academia The unspoken rule for women of color in academia is to be everything to everyone—mentor,... Parental identity, not ethnicity, influences education spending patterns: Study How much parents spend on their children's education has a big impact on family well-being... Why natural disasters hit harder in rural school districts A week after Hurricane Sandy flooded New York City's streets and subways in 2012, the... Analyzing the global learning crisis post-COVID The Department of Education Reform, in conjunction with researchers from the International Association for the... Do teachers view parents as partners in the education of their child? Interviews with teachers suggest they don't Many parents are more involved than ever in their children's education at school. They are... More Australian families are choosing private schools—we need to understand why The shape of Australia's school system is undergoing a significant change. Enrollments in independent schools... Older posts