BlueYonder Training
JDA in Feb 2020 had changed its name to BlueYonder. The purpose of it is to rebrand. They come up with the new tagline “Fulfill Your Potential”. Now the Company’s mission to empower everyone on […]
JDA in Feb 2020 had changed its name to BlueYonder. The purpose of it is to rebrand. They come up with the new tagline “Fulfill Your Potential”. Now the Company’s mission to empower everyone on […]
Tens of thousands of handwritten pages by one of the 20th century’s greatest mathematicians, Alexander Grothendieck, many of which the eccentric genius penned while living as a hermit, were unveiled in France on Friday.This article […]
Understanding how children learn to count can have profound impacts on the kinds of instructional materials used in the classroom. And the way those materials are designed can shape the strategies children use to learn, […]
Patterns of chemical interactions are thought to create patterns in nature such as stripes and spots. A new study shows that the mathematical basis of these patterns also governs how sperm tail moves.This article was […]
It seems there’s a five-letter word describing what many players of the wildly popular Wordle puzzle do daily as they struggle to find a target word within six tries.This article was originally published on this […]
New research has used machine learning to find the properties of atomic pieces of geometry, in pioneering work that could drive the development of new results in mathematics.This article was originally published on this website.
The world around us, especially in the technology field, is changing really fast. In the early 80s, the tech world was nascent, and in the start of the 21st century, technology was getting adopted all […]
Have you ever tried to do a brainteaser in which you have to connect the dots to make the outline of a house in one continuous stroke without going back over your lines? Or perhaps […]
A major new study has revealed that American teenagers are more likely than any other nationality to brag about their math ability.This article was originally published on this website.
Richard Schwartz, a mathematician at Brown University has found a solution to the problem of how small a Möbius band can be made without intersecting itself—at least for a smooth piece of paper. The paper […]
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